Organic Bread Route Nets $1,300 a week in 3 days only

Organic Bread Route Nets $1,3000 a week in 3 days only – $129000 Own a route with an exclusive, hot, trending IN DEMAND product. Organic Bread. This route comes with over 25 stops – major supermarkets, delis, convenience stores, Cafe’s & Sandwich shops. Retail to stores is $3.69 – $3.89. Your cost is $2.50. Run this route either 2,3 or 4 days a week, based on preference. This route runs in Brooklyn & Queens with major opportunity to grow in any one of the other boroughs. Manhattan is untouched and anything organic in NYC is in demand and SELLS! Bring all offers on this bread routeYou can have this and full training for 90k down