Ice Cream Parlor on Wheels calling all ELVIS Impersonators

This fabulous state of the art “Ice Cream Parlor on Wheels” works only Fairs, Festivals, Concerts, etc. offering Soft IceCream,Shakes,Sundaes, Floats. Banana Splits,Italian Ices and Slushies. This one of a kind Ice Cream Truck’s exterior is vinyl wrapped in a 50’s oldie theme complete with photos of the original owner who is an Elvis tribute artist. All business contacts and event promoter information will be provided so you can hit the ground running. Patrons are are drawn to this truck beacuse it is so intriguing and unusual. This is truly a one of a kind opportunity. The replacement value to build a truck like this would approch $200,000. 1989 Alumium body with new engine, transmission, 21 Kw generator as well as a new $20,000 Soft Serve Ice Cream machine. Owner is selling his dream beacause of major injury. Truck in storage in New Jersey